Actions for MOMS Demand Action's "Wear Orange Weekend" June 5-7th!

Join Monmouth-Ocean MOMS Demand Action in taking actions for Wear Orange Weekend June 5-7th!

Honor victims and survivors of gun violence, and spread awareness about gun violence prevention. 


Possible actions include: draw “Wear Orange” chalk messages on your sidewalk; tie orange ribbons to trees; paint rocks orange and spreading them around your town, write letters to thank Mayors who last year proclaimed the first Friday in June Gun Violence Awareness Day.

Please RSVP here: so we can keep track of how many people complete actions!

  •  Take the Pledge to Wear orange and post to SocialMedia. (link below)
    Sample tweet:  I just pledged to join thousands of Americans to #WearOrange on June 5th to raise awareness about gun violence in America. Will you join me and take the pledge? @MomsDemand @Everytown

“Wear Orange” is dedicated to honoring the lives of people in America affected by gun violence and elevating the voice of those demanding an end to gun violence.

On Saturday, June 6th at 10 a.m., the New Jersey chapter of Moms Demand Action will hold a statewide Wear Orange virtual gathering as part of this year's National Gun Violence Awareness Day!  

This one-hour event will include messages from faith leaders, community partners, and students, as well as a special musical performance by an amazing NJ high school acapella group. We will also hear from two survivors of gun violence, and honor NJ survivors in a special musical montage. Put on your favorite orange shirt and join us for this special event!

Thank you for your continued support!


Susan Meltsner