Vote by Mail and other measures to protect us and our democracy during NJ's Primaryi election on July 7
Much more information will be released soon, but first we want to make sure you know about the broad strokes of Governor Murphy’s plan to protect our democracy in this public health crisis:
All active registered Democrats and Republicans will receive a Vote by Mail ballot that will include prepaid return postage. All you have to do to cast your vote is to fill out your choices on the ballot itself, follow the instructions on the inner envelope including signing your name, place the ballot into the outer envelope and drop it in the mail. As long as your ballot is postmarked before July 7 and is delivered to the County Clerk by the post office by July 14, your vote will be counted.
Unaffiliated or inactive voters will receive a Vote by Mail application, and will have the option to declare themselves for one of the major parties and participate in the election by mailing in their application, which will also have prepaid postage. They will then be mailed a ballot for the party of their choice and can follow the same steps above to cast their vote.
Each county will have a limited number of secure Ballot Dropboxes where Vote by Mail ballots can be left. Ballot Dropbox locations and procedures will be determined by each County Clerk. Ballots can also be returned in person at each County Clerk’s office, with available hours varying by county.
A limited number of polling places will be open on July 7 for voters unable to vote by mail. Anyone who needs to use one of these polling places will have the option to vote via provisional paper ballot. Proper CDC recommendations and social distancing orders will be in effect at polling places. A list of Election Day polling locations will be certified on June 15 and available shortly thereafter.
The deadline to Register to Vote for the Primary Election will remain June 16.
A Hotline number will be established by the Secretary of State to report Vote by Mail irregularities.