From undocuJersey -- resources for undocumented students, immigrant communities, educators, and allies

Below you will find resources for undocumented students, immigrant communities, educators, and allies. Feel free to share these resources with your networks. Thank you.

Jennifer Rodriguez, undocuJersey, Facebook: UndocuJersey

Covid-19 Resources

NJ Department of Health: Covid-19 Resources for Individuals Who Are Undocumented or Uninsured
The State of NJ is focused on ensuring that all people, regardless of immigration status and/or whether or not they have health insurance, are protected from the outbreak and receive appropriate testing and treatment. DOWNLOAD The NJ Department of Health resource document Part 1 and Part 2

NJ Department of Human Services, Office of New Immigrants
The Department of Human Services has created a quick guide to help residents make informed decisions for their families as it related to public charge and public benefits. It is important that families understand that they have access to some resources regardless of their immigration status, especially during the Covid-19 crisis. The NJ Department of Human Services resources in English and Spanish.

A partnership between United We Dream and the National Latinx Psychological Association to bring webinar series to provide helpful tools and address the complex health needs. For more information click here.

Resources for Educators
Attached is a guide to provide K-12 educators with concrete tools on how to support undocumented students and their families as families await the Supreme Court's Decision on DACA. Check out the new K-12 Educator DACA Decision Resource linked here.

FWD.US along with partners developed the 2020 Guide for College and University Educators- Supporting DACA Recipients & Dreamers. The guide can be downloaded HERE.

Immigration Resources
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) Immigrant Rights Program is offering virtual DACA renewal clinics. AFSC immigration attorneys and volunteers will be helping people renew their DACA free of cost. 

NJ Based Resources
LIST of verified nonprofits and private lawyers in NJ that provide free or low-cost immigration assistance.

Financial Resources for Undocumented Students

New Jersey Alternative Application
Allows NJ Dreamers enrolled in eligible New Jersey colleges and universities to apply for state financial aid. For eligibility requirements and to apply, click here.

LUPE Scholarship- Deadline July 19, 2020
The Latinas United for Political Empowerment (LUPE) Fund annual scholarship is currently open. For eligibility requirements and to apply, click here.

My Undocumented Life- College Scholarships
This platform was created by a DACA student who recently graduated with a PhD from Harvard University to support undocumented immigrants and families navigate the educational system. For an updated list of scholarships, click here.

In 2013, the Tuition Equity Act, also known as the NJ Dream Act passed into law which allows undocumented students who meet certain requirements to pay in-state tuition rates at NJ public colleges (not considered international students or out of state). 

In 2019, the Tuition Equity Act was expanded by Governor Murphy to allow undocumented students who meet certain requirements to also be eligible for state financial aid. Having a Social Security Number is not a pre-requisite. For more information visit the NJ Alternative Application.

In the case that a student does have a Social Security Number (SSN) but their parents do not, when completing the FAFSA and asked for the parent's SSN number, the entry should be all zeros, not the parent's ITIN which they use to complete their taxes.


In health,



Susan Meltsner