INDIVISIBLE: Get Ready for 2020

How to get ready for 2020

THRIVE Resolution Livestream for the first economic recovery package of 2021! This Wednesday August 26, Indivisible will be participating in a livestream as part of the 15th Anniversary of Katrina to discuss a comprehensive economic renewal plan for 2021. Join to learn about how the THRIVE Resolution plans to tackle the overlapping crises of mass unemployment, racial injustice, public health, and climate change. And when you’re ready to take action, call your Representative and demand they support the THRIVE Resolution as a just COVID recovery.Date: August 26 at 8 pm ET -- Register here.

September National Activist CallJoin us for the monthly Indivisible National Activist Call! All group leaders, group members, and other Indivisible activists are welcome.
Date: September 3 at 8 pm ET -- Register here.

Watch our latest episode of Indivisible WeeklyThis episode is all about Joe Biden’s personal story and career -- both of which will make him a qualified president for this moment. Watch here for some extra motivation and a reminder of what’s at stake.

Susan Meltsner