ACLU action & advice on Kenosha / Jacob Blake /BLM

This country's epidemic of police violence against Black people must come to an end. Together, let's continue to fight for equal justice – and the civil rights and liberties of us all. Thank you for taking action,

The ACLU Team

  1. Call for the resignations of Kenosha Police Chief Daniel Miskinis and Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth for their inexcusable responses to both the shooting of Jacob Blake and the protests demanding justice for him. To demand Police Chief Miskinis's resignation, contact the Kenosha Police and Fire Commission at 262-653-4135. For the resignation of Sheriff Beth, contact Governor Tony Evers' Office at 608-266-1212.

  2. Know your rights when protesting. Whether it is in Kenosha, WI or Washington D.C. or Manalapan, NJ, be safe and know your rights when taking to the streets.

  3. Learn and share the facts on police violence on InstagramTwitter, or Facebook. The ACLU has laid out the research and reasons for systematically transforming policing in America.

  4. Join the Commitment March livestream today at any time between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. EST. As a sponsor of this unifying event, we hope that you can join virtually as we all fight for police accountability and criminal justice. (Note: This link will take you to a third-party website,

Susan Meltsner