PLEASE NOTE: When filling out Vote by Mail applications and/or mail-in ballots


IMPORTANT: Vote by Mail applications will be rejected if you have someone fill in any portion of yours (including return address) for you or if you fill in one for someone else.
Help IS allowed , if provided in accordance with the following regulation.

From the Monmouth County Clerk’s Vote by Mail FAQ’s document

6. Can someone help me complete the application and ballot materials? Yes, you can have someone help you. This person is called an “Assistor” and must complete the “Assistor” section (#10) of the application or ballot. You, the voter, must sign the application and ballot.

Download the Vote-by-Mail Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Download a Vote By Mail Application
(English) -
(Spanish) -

FYI - Latest Voter Registration Form - for new voter registration, change of address, etc. You can sign up for mail-in voting right on the form. (English)
(Spanish) -

Susan Meltsner