SMALL VICTORIES (4-14-2020)- "This In-Between Moment"
As I’ve begun settling into this new normal, I’ve been thinking about what this moment is asking of us and how we want the world to look when we come out the other side. I’ve been circling back to this piece by Rebecca Solnit where she explains what the coronavirus can teach us:
“The outcome of disasters is not foreordained. It’s a conflict, one that takes place while things that were frozen, solid and locked up have become open and fluid – full of both the best and worst possibilities. We are both becalmed and in a state of profound change...Ordinary life before the pandemic was already a catastrophe of desperation and exclusion for too many human beings, an environmental and climate catastrophe, an obscenity of inequality. It is too soon to know what will emerge from this emergency, but not too soon to start looking for chances to help decide it."
With so much of the world focused on battling this global pandemic, I’ve decided to change up the usual newsletter format for the time being. In addition to positive news stories, I'll be sharing other bits and bobs that are bringing me joy.
-Alison READ ON