Activism opportunities from Turn PA Blue


Activism opportunities from Turn PA Blue include efforts to improve voter access, voter registration and Dem wins in this Swing State. Also chances to learn skills and strategies that can apply anywhere.


Vote by Mail Outreach Texting: 8/10, 8/12, & 8/19 from 3-6 PM (with more dates to come). SIGN UP HERE.

Texting Training: 8/10 from 7-8 PM. Join us to learn how to become a part of our texting team! SIGN UP HERE.


Social Media Messaging Training with the PA HDCC: 8/9 from 7-8 PM. Learn to leverage your social media networks to share coordinated content for Democrats across PA. SIGN UP HERE.


Canvassing Training 101: 8/16, 8/23, or 9/13 from 6:30-8:00 PM. If you’re new to canvassing or feeling rusty, come learn the basics to help you feel confident at the doors. SIGN UP HERE.


Voter Registration Calls in partnership with the PA Dems: 8/11, 8/18, & 8/25 from 6-8 PM. SIGN UP HERE.

Susan Meltsner