AFSC picks to inform and support your activism: 

AFSC announces broad socially responsible investment policy: AFSC is now the first institution with a comprehensive immigrant justice investment policy. We’re also expanding to divest from the prison industrial complex as a whole—not just private prisons—and from Israeli apartheid. AFSC’s Dov Baum says, “We want to invest in companies that, in turn, invest in people’s well-being, our communities’ prosperity, and our planet’s future.”  

 Delivering humanitarian aid in Indonesia: Thanks to supporters like you, AFSC and partners are providing food and other vital help to hundreds of people after a deadly cyclone.

 Advocates succeed with passage of “Care First, Jails Last” resolution in California’s East Bay: The resolution will address the over-policing of people with mental illness in Alameda County—and calls for investing in care instead of incarceration, writes AFSC’s John Lindsay-Poland. 

U.S. immigration detention centers remain strongholds of COVID-19 transmission: In Colorado, AFSC has long held vigils outside Aurora detention center, where COVID-19 outbreaks have been common. Now physicians are calling on the federal government to do more to protect people in ICE custody and release people from detention. (Newsweek)  

Read AFSC’s 2020 Annual Report: Our report highlights the ways in which AFSC staff, volunteers, partners, and community members have cared for and stood up for each other, even amid the loss and struggle of the past year. 

Susan Meltsner