44 days to honor RBG - ways to engage voters, campaign and GOTV

SOURCE: Amy Ekloff, Little Silver Dems


“Are you ready? We’ve got 44 more days. Let’s dig deep and take courageous action in honor the notorious #RBG. Here’s an updated list of ways you can get involved. It’s listed from the top of the ballot to our local council race. So scroll and find a race or two that speak to you. Let’s carry this election over the finish line as RBG would have us do!! Fierce, undaunted, persistent!”


• Visit mobilize.us/joebiden to sign up for texting or calling shifts for Joe and Kamala - or donate here: https://joebiden.com/

• Visit mobilize.us/2020victory to sign up for a texting or calling shift for Joe & Kamala as well as down ballot candidates around the country. This is lots of fun - you get all sorts of interesting activities, including volunteer recruitment! You can also donate here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/web-donate

• Do some texting or calling for Senate candidates in key races around the country. This is the Get Mitch or Die Trying site that lists action in the key states: https://mailchi.mp/crooked/get-mitch-weekend-of-action...

• Adopt a State to take action (daily, weekly, or however often you want) to flip a battleground state: https://votesaveamerica.com/adopt-a-state/. You join a nationwide team of really interesting and motivated people. The energy here is just off the charts!

Adopt a House race here in New Jersey -

1) Andy Kim in particular could really use your help. In 2018, he won by less than 4000 votes, and once again, it’s going to be the closest House race in the country. Republicans are afraid of him, and are spending lots of $$$ on this race. We can beat them with people power! Sign up to help make calls or send texts here: https://www.mobilize.us/kimforcongress/ or donate here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ak_wsite

2) Tom Malinowski is running for re-election in a close race in CD7. Sign up here: https://www.mobilize.us/malinowskiforcongress/ Donate here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/tpmwb

3) Stephanie Schmid is running to unseat 39-year incumbent Chris Smith. Click to donate, volunteer, help out here: https://www.stephaniefornewjersey.com/ or at https://www.facebook.com/stephaniefornewjersey/

4) And Amy Kennedy is looking to unseat traitor Jeff Van Drew in CD2 - sign up here: https://www.mobilize.us/amykennedyforcongress or donate here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/alk_web200106-launch...

Adopt a local race:

1) Angela Ahbez-Anderson is running to unseat Monmouth County Clerk Christine Hanlon - click here to donate, drop literature, and get involved: https://www.angela4countyclerk.org/ or at https://www.facebook.com/AngelaAhbezAnderson/

2) Michael Penna and Moira Nelson are running for County Commissioner (formerly freeholder). Sign up to make calls, text, or do contactless literature drops: https://pennanelson.com/volunteer Donate here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pennanelson or visit

3) Little Silver candidates, Joan Gotti and Stephanie Keenan: https://www.littlesilverdems.org/ or at https://www.facebook.com/gottikeenan2020/

• Sign up to be a poll worker on election day https://www.powerthepolls.org/ or visit Every Last State to find out how you can maximize your power on election day: https://votesaveamerica.com/everylastvote/

• Familiarize yourself with the November 2020 election guidelines here in New Jersey, and educate your Garden State friends/family/neighbors. Three bills that directly affect the election were just signed into law by Gov. Murphy. Visit www.votebymailnj.org to get started.

• Know and understand options for submitting vote by mail ballots: https://votebymailnj.org/vbm-hub-for-voters/

• Post all this information about the election and vote by mail to your social media and email groups, and contact friends, neighbors and family and make sure they are 1) registered to vote 2) have a plan to vote 3) understand guidelines for their state/local area. Offer to help research this for them or send them to Colbert— https://www.betterknowaballot.com/

DON’T PANIC - we have 44 days. Do what you can each day, but every day, DO SOMETHING.


H/T Lisa Iannucci

Susan Meltsner