Special Edition: Post Office [Rogan's List]


Trump would like nothing better than to limit voting in November, and he has appointed the perfect postmaster general, Louis DeJoy, a major donor, to effectuate his plan of voter suppression….. DeJoy has eliminated employee overtime, removed mail-sorting machines from postal facilities around the country, and reorganized or eliminated Postal Service leadership—leaving not only mail-in voting in doubt but disrupting the delivery of essential medicine, veteran and Social Security checks, packages, and so on.  While DeJoy has walked back some of his plan, there is no mention of returning the sorting machines, mailboxes, and trucks to bring us back to the same level of service we had before.  https://www.apnews.com/26926bf85cae5175fbd920efb534ef84  As has already been evidenced, the USPS upheaval will affect the 2020 election. 

PLEASE CONTINUE READING: https://us15.campaign-archive.com/?e=41a8ab29cc&u=9259840cacd8f01e4ab5952e8&id=38b4eb1c05 There’s a lot here to know and to do

Susan Meltsner