SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 2020 AFSC Weekend Reading

AFSC’s Farm to Food Bank project grows in New Mexico: Since March, support from the AFSC community has helped us connect small-scale farmers with food banks struggling to meet rising need—providing nearly 7,000 pounds of local produce to thousands of community members.

What I went through in immigrant detention: David, who was imprisoned by ICE in New Jersey for two years, talks about his confinement and the impacts of being separated from his wife and children. AFSC’s Immigrants Right Program in Newark, New Jersey provided David with legal representation, helping him to secure his release earlier this year.

Sign our petition with Daily Kos: Tell Congress to provide permanent protections for immigrants with Temporary Protected Status (TPS): With a court ruling expected on the fate of this life-saving program, Congress must act now to protect hundreds of TPS holders from deportation.

Susan Meltsner