Recap: Week of Action Host Call


Wednesday night we held our first Week of Action Host Call to prepare you on the steps you’ll take to plan virtual or in-person events during our September 20th-27th Voter Registration Week of Action. We covered event planning best practices and questions to ask yourself as a host. If you didn’t make our call, you can watch the recording of our call here to get caught up! 

We had a great time discussing the best practices and tips for creating your Week of Action events -- including a helpful sample checklist that will help guide you as you plan. 

Here are the goals we set out for our training:

  • Understand the different components of event management

  • Analyze best practices in event planning

  • Feel supported in process of setting up your (amazing) event 

Don’t forget to complete this week’s homework before our next host call on August 19th! 

  • Use our checklist and create your own draft of everything you need to do to get ready for your event.

  • Begin to create an agenda for your event -- we’ll dig into this more in call 3 so get some initial thoughts on paper. Review our When We All Vote Action Guide for ideas on agenda-building!

  • Lock down the date and time of your event, then put your event on the When We All Vote website.

And lastly -- to get connected with us on Slack and Facebook to organize your Week of Action with members of your community and to connect with Week of Action hosts across the country!

Susan Meltsner