American Friends Service Committee - BLOG!

An article by Red Bank’s Itzel Hernandez: The DACA decision gives me hope of seeing my loved ones again Plus these and other Resources to help you stay informed and support your activism. 

How to talk about defunding ICE and CBP—and investing in communities: Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, no matter where we come from. Yet, the federal government wastes more than $25 billion every year on jailing and deporting immigrants. Check out these seven tips for making the case to your friends and family for why it’s time to defund ICE and CBP.   
Sign the petition: No more nukes!: Please join AFSC, Daily Kos, and people from around the world in demanding global nuclear disarmament as we approach the 75th anniversaries of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings.
Delivering masks to farmworkers in the San Joaquin Valley: The San Joaquin Valley is rapidly becoming a hot spot, writes AFSC’s Myrna Martinez Nateras—but with support from the AFSC community and local partners, AFSC is not only distributing masks to farmworkers, but also information on protecting their health, the health of their families, and defending workers’ rights.
Victory in the campaign to free immigrants from Elizabeth Detention Center: A community organizing effort in New Jersey successfully pressured landowner Elberon Development Group to announce this week that it will cut ties to CoreCivic, the private prison company that leases and runs the facility. (
Organizing to get police out of Chicago Public Schools: “There is another way forward to building community safety that doesn’t rely on violence, and it begins with listening to and supporting the young people already working to build a better future.” says AFSC’s Debbie Southern.
Worker advocates file meat plants discrimination complaint: As COVID-19 has spread in meatpacking plants, Black, Latinx, and Asian workers have been disproportionately impacted. Read more about the civil rights complaint AFSC and other advocacy organizations filed against meat processors Tyson and JBS with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. (Washington Post)

Posters for showing solidarity with movements for social change: Check out our collection of posters for download–and please share with others who could use them!

Susan Meltsner