SIGN ON Support NJ's mask mandate


Playing politics or protecting people? 

Governor Murphy and his allies chose protecting our health, as they have since the very start of the pandemic. Last week, Governor Murphy issued an executive order requiring New Jerseyans to wear masks outdoors when social distancing is not possible. It’s a decision based on science, data and common sense.

Yet almost as soon as this policy was announced, some politicians in Trenton took issue with it -- trying to score partisan political points even if it means risking the health of millions of our neighbors. Their wrong and reckless approach failed in Florida, it failed in Texas and it failed in Arizona. That’s not an opinion -- that’s a sad fact. 

>> Sign on to tell Trenton politicians that you support Governor Murphy’s mask mandate.

It’s simple: wearing masks keeps us safer than not wearing them. Governor Murphy’s decision is based in science, not politics, and we should all do our part in keeping each other safe throughout this pandemic. While Governor Murphy and his allies make tough, science-backed decisions for the common good of New Jerseyans, their critics are playing irresponsible political games that put us all at risk, including a “burn your mask” protest. 

Governor Murphy already called for a nationwide mask requirement because he listens to science and knows masks are effective. If this pandemic has shown us anything, it’s that those on the national level should follow Governor Murphy’s lead -- New Jersey is one of only three states on track to contain COVID-19.

 Add your name to say enough is enough.

Susan Meltsner