Indivisible Kicks Off 2020 General Election Efforts July 27 to Aug 2.

The past four years have been building towards this moment. We finally have our shot at removing Trump from the White House, flipping the Senate, and building a more just democracy. And we’re going to make sure that every resource we have, every dollar we spend, and every minute of spare time goes towards making that a reality.

Now, we’re going to make our first major ask. We’re kicking this off with a massive Week of Action from July 27 to August 2, and we need you to brush off your keyboards and get ready to make some calls and send some texts. 

If you get to this point and you’re like “don’t have to ask me and my local Indivisible group twice”, register your first Week of Action phone or text bank here!

July 27 not only marks 99 days until Election Day, but it also happens to be the third anniversary of Indivisibles defeating Trumpcare (if you don't remember, we've got a timeline here about Trumpcare because it was a BFD for Indivisibles). So, in celebration and commitment to the work ahead, Indivisible groups all over the country will be hosting phone banks and text banks as part of our unified digital program. 

We want to be perfectly transparent with you that we understand that we’re still mid-pandemic, and our efforts are going to be different than what they would have been like if we could use our typical get out the vote tactics. That’s why we’re making sure that you have everything that you need to host a successful, fun, and productive virtual event. Here’s how we’re going to do it: 

Our Organizing and Training Team:

Indivisible’s Organizing and Training Team is working around the clock to make sure that your local Indivisible groups have all the trainings, materials, and support that they need to execute these virtual events. Talking to voters can be difficult and at times nerve-wracking! Our team will talk you through making the most out of your conversations and more. Start here with our election kick-off toolkit and begin planning your first events and then sign up for the first training, this coming Monday, July 13, about how to host effective digital events! This training will also cover upcoming dates for webinars on how to use our various voter contact tools and more, so you have all the skills you need to start connecting with voters.

Our Digital Team: 

Indivisible’s Digital Team has got plaaaaans for you! Like many of you, we’re all feeling the pandemic woes, so we’re pumping all of our creative energy into coming up with some of the most energizing, interactive ways to engage on video calls. Some of the ideas we’re pulling together include phone and text bank bingo, fun competitions for your volunteers, watch parties, playlists, and more! Just because we’re stuck at home and itching to lace up our canvassing sneakers, doesn’t mean that we can’t have some fun while we do the work necessary to turn out the vote. We’ll have more on this soon, but for now make sure to register your events and get them on our map so that we can start promoting them!

Our Fundraising Team:

Indivisible’s Fundraising Team is working hard to get you all the tools that you’ll need to execute these events! From our phone banking and text banking platform, our direct mail program, and more -- all of our voter contact efforts cost $$$$$. We’re working to raise the big (and small!) bucks to make sure that we can contact as many voters across the country using these crucial tools to our work. If you have a few bucks to spare today, pitch in here or share with your family and friends and encourage them to help fund your electoral activism!

We’re so excited to dive into this work and have a phenomenal week of action to show Trump and his cronies that we’re serious about getting them out of office. We’re planning to reach out to 20 million voters, and this is our first step. Sign up your events now to get in on one of our most ambitious goals to date. It’s now or never. 

In solidarity, 
Indivisible Team

Susan Meltsner