American Friends Service Committee - Sept 21 newsblast
SEPT 21, 2019 “WEEKEND READ” —— AFSC (Info anytime):
Yesterday, hundreds of thousands of people took part in the Global Climate Strike, joining youth-led demonstrations around the globe. The protests, which come ahead of a U.N. Climate Action Summit next week, send a strong message to world leaders that the time for action is now.
There are many ways we can make a difference in our own communities today, including supporting sustainable food practices. Check out these tips from AFSC's work with local farmers in New Mexico.
Here are more resources to help you stay informed and support your activism.
Commemorating Peace Day: In honor of the International Day of Peace – today, Sept. 21 – we look at how some communities are courageously working to address serious problems through nonviolence, with support from AFSC.
5 things to know about Iran: As the Trump administration continues to escalate tensions with Iran, our policy analyst highlights some key points so you can follow the real story and call for lasting peace.
It's time for a new vision for the U.S.-Mexico border: Advocates make the case for affirming human rights for migrants and residents of border communities in a new report by the Southern Border Communities Coalition, made up of 60 organizations including AFSC. (Marguerite Casey Foundation)
Sign the petition: Urge the Department of Defense inspector general to investigate the use of the U.S. military at the border: The Trump administration just sent 2,000 more military servicemembers on top of the 5,000 already deployed to the U.S. southern border — even though the military is legally supposed to be kept separate from domestic law enforcement. (Daily Kos)
Decriminalizing Hamas: This month a European court has removed the name of Hamas from the list of “terrorist organizations” – it’s time peace activists worked to see the U.S. do the same, writes human rights lawyer Jonathan Kuttab.
Five tips for talking about criminal punishment to help end mass incarceration: The way people talk and write about incarcerated people can reinforce negative ideas and undermine support for humane policies, and we can take steps to change that.
How to get candidates on the record: Election season gives us a unique opportunity to ask candidates about issues you care about — and influence their opinions. Check out our “bird-dogging” resource for tips.