SPLC Weekend Reads - July 17 and 29, 2019
Weekend Reads feature a lead article and links to other content. Something for everyone.
July 27
Lead article on School Lunches
”In the current climate, political support has waned for food programs for the poor, to the point of hostility. The SPLC is deeply concerned with one specific step the Trump administration has taken – one that would prevent an estimated 3 million people from receiving supplemental assistance for their food budgets. Read more about this and what you can do.”
CONTINUE at https://www.splcenter.org/news/2019/07/27/weekend-read-school-lunches
Lead article: Racism is Killing Black Americans
”Racism affects every aspect of American life – none more so than our medical system…
CONTINUE at https://www.splcenter.org/news/2019/07/19/weekend-read-racism-killing-black-americans