ACLU News and Updates

Why the ACLU Is Suing Florida For Its New Poll Tax
Just last year, Floridians approved an amendment to restore voting rights to more than a million felons. Now, the ACLU has to fight to make this a reality, against the challenge of a new law that would force ex-cons to pay prohibitively expensive fines before voting. Read more


 SCOTUS to Hear Whether Workers Can Be Fired For Being LGBTQ
The ACLU is taking the fight for the rights of LGBTQ workers all the way up to the Supreme Court. In October we'll get to make the argument in person: You can't fire an employee just because they're gay or trans. Read more 

 The ACLU'S Legal Director Reflects on the Supreme Court's Last Term
It was another dramatic term for the Supreme Court. Listen to our legal director, David Cole, explain our recent victories, and upcoming challenges, before the highest court in America. Listen to the latest episode here.

 Bogus “Aggression Detectors” Are Audio-Recording People In Public

Orwellian technology alert: Schools and other public places are buying gadgets advertised as “aggression detectors.” What they’re really doing is invading our right to privacy. Read more

Susan Meltsner